Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back To School Time

Summer Time, why do you leave us so soon?

Everyone one will really miss you!

You leave us with this back to school time...

I love back to school time as much as I love running from my favorite dinosaur.

The joy of receiving homework again?

Running around trying to get to class on time.

Spending your days like this!


And arriving home like this?

Only to know you have a ton of homework


Unless you're a homeschooler.....

And you're just fine because you know you have cool classes to take..

And you know (most the time) how your day is going to go.


Getting ready for school




Social Studies



Getting ready to leave for your field trips

Arriving to said place

Going on the tour

Knowing  most the answers to what the tour guide asks

Answering the questions the tour guide asks

Getting them right :)

Going home

Doing gym

And then suddenly, between all of the other fun stuff you get to do (i.e. art, music, making youtube videos, posting blogs, creating things, writing articles, preparing for the zombie apocalypse, learning how to win every argument, and finding every common error in logic we can), the school day ends...

Then it's time for homework,

having dinner with your family,

relaxing and then and preparing to be awesome again the next day


  1. This is an amazing post! I love the animated gifs and how you told the story visually... I can't wait!

    1. On the contrary, thank you for sharing your amazing creativity!
