Monday, January 13, 2014

The Lamassu of the Fertile Crescent

The Lamassu is the symbol of power and protection of the Fertile Crescent. It is shown as being a massive winged creature with a lion's or bull's body and the head of a man. 

They are often associated with the Assyrian culture but have their roots in Babylonian Mythology. Lamassu were thought of as protecters of cities and royal palaces and guarded the entrances of them. Giant Lamassu were placed at the entrance to the city of Babylon in the famous Ishtar Gate as to protect the city from harm. 

The Lamassu also protected the households of the common people. Common Babylonian people would engrave the Lamassu on a clay tablet and bury them under the threshold of their door to keep their homes protected. 

The Lamassu is also associated with the moon goddess, as the horns of the bull on Ishtar's Headress denoted the crescent moon.

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